Friday, November 9, 2007

Cute Sarah

Warm Saturday morning, Sarah put on her white dress, cute isn't she?


ostra saleh said...

Assalamualaikum, as a muslim with very limited knowledge, the issue above make me burst to laugh, Why, because you try to push your idea which is base on black and white knowledge and the whole world know you right, but you addressed in a hardway.And this heading to a fight between cat and dog.Which is not good for our small community. Many times above you mentioned about Our beloved Prophet PBUH, maybe this is the time to use our beloved Prophet way in handling differences instead of jumped into conclution and made some judgement. Because other party also had the reason to feel right and had a right to feel right.Which is we need to respect that. Why don't we sit back, make no judgment, leave all the knowledge at home and come to the party with heart (feeling). According to the story I've been heard, that how Rassulullah SAW do in handling many many aspect during his time. He make no judgement to others, always full with understanding, unlimited passion and love, far from blamming or feel him self always right. The easy way to test our self is Standing naked infront of good big mirror. Because to me, only one person had a capacity to judge others if he want to, and that person is rasulullah saw. In the world today no one have that capacity, so do my easy way test, and also the attitude HOW IF IAM WRONG is a must. That will encourage ourself to became wiser and wiser toward ourself and others. If you concerned about something and wants to change it, we have to find the beautiful way ( Rasulullah way ) to address it. Insya Allah this matter can make us stronger as a community and wiser as an individual. wassalamualaikum, goodday mate. Ostra Saleh

Sofie Harumi said...

PS: pak ed above comment refers to Bidah posting on January 12th. BTW Sarah is very very cute!! =D Ostra Saleh

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